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Franchimp Summary Rating

5 /10
Higher than 58% of peers

Franchise Summary

We are SHOOT 360 NATION, LLC, a Washington limited liability company. We offer and support a franchise system of co-branded gyms that include use of our basketball shooting, passing and ball handling trainingequipment and related software. We offer franchises toown and operate Shoot 360basketball skills development facilities. This is done under the "Shoot 360" names and logosused in conjunction with your current or future athletic facility operating under your own names"Powered by Shoot 360 ".
Company Background
Shoot 360 is a company that offers basketball shooting, passing, and ball handling training equipment to franchises. It also provides related software for use in conjunction with existing gyms.
Franchise Opportunity
You want to improve your basketball skills, but don't know how. Even the best players can always use some improvement. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced player, SHOOT 360 can help take your game to the next level. Our unique training system uses state-of-the-art technology and is based on scientific research that has been proven to improve shooting, passing and ball handling skills. In addition, our franchises are backed by a team of experts who will support you every step of the way.
Corporate Structure
Shoot 360 Nation, LLC is a Washington limited liability company formed on August 14, 2019. The address of their franchise office is 12403 NE 60th Way, #D-1, Vancouver, Washington 98682. They have offered franchises in the United States since August 2019.

Franchise Types Available

# Type Investment Fees

Employee Contact Database

# Name Position Phone Number Email Address

Franchise Disclosure Documents

FDD Effective Date

Shoot 360 Franchise System Development in 2021

Historical Shoot 360 System Growth


How much investment do I need to start my own Shoot 360 business?
Franchisees typically require at least $98,700 to $2,525,000 investment to get their Shoot 360 business started
What are the initial franchise fees for Shoot 360?
Franchisees typically need to pay at least $19,075 in fees directly to Shoot 360 in order to earn the right to launch their business
How much money can I make with a Shoot 360 franchise? What are the average revenues for a typical Shoot 360 business?
We haven’t done the math on how much revenue a typical Shoot 360 brings in each year. We estimate that other franchisees in the Health & Fitness industry generate $0 revenue, so we would expect Shoot 360 to generate a similar amount
How long do I need to commit to running a Shoot 360 unit? What is my contractual commitment?
The standard length for an initial franchise contract is 10 years. Renewals are also generally 10 years


5 /10
The Franchisor's investment costs ranges from $98,700 to $193,419 which is Much Lower than the $736,209 to $1,903,304 average in the Sports & Recreation industry
What determines the investment cost?
Item 7 of the Franchise Disclosure Document lays out the full list of initial investment costs, including the fee payable to the franchisor, security deposits, equipment, professional fees etc

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