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Franchimp Summary Rating

9 /10
Lower than 12% of peers

Franchise Summary

Company Background
Fala Bar is a quick-service restaurant offering healthy, organic vegan food including falafels, vegan sandwiches and burgers. The company operates under the name "FalaBar" and offers dine-in and take-out service. Fala Bar aims to provide customers with an enjoyable experience by serving delicious food that meets their needs as well as those of the environment.
Franchise Opportunity
Healthy eating habits are hard to stick with. We all know that being healthy is important, but it can be hard to maintain a diet if you don't like the food options available where you live and work. Our restaurants offer delicious vegan food for everyone who wants to eat healthier without sacrificing taste or convenience. Diners will enjoy our menu of healthy organic vegan foods including falafels, burgers, sandwiches and salads made from fresh ingredients that are free of GMOs, soy and gluten. Our meals are low in calories yet high in flavor so you won't feel deprived while sticking to your health goals. All dishes on our menu can be customized according to dietary needs such as vegetarianism or gluten-free diets (GF). Vegan milkshakes and smoothies made with almond milk provide a sweet treat option at any time of day! For those looking for something lighter than a meal we have an assortment of snacks including hummus plates, ve

Franchise Disclosure Documents

FDD Effective Date

Historical Fala Bar System Growth


How much investment do I need to start my own Fala Bar business?
Franchisees typically require at least $239,100 to $839,000 investment to get their Fala Bar business started
What are the initial franchise fees for Fala Bar?
We don’t know exactly how much the franchise fees are for Fala Bar, but we can tell you that other franchises in the Food & Beverage sector typically need to pay between $33,998 and $69,187 to the franchisor
How much money can I make with a Fala Bar franchise? What are the average revenues for a typical Fala Bar business?
We haven’t done the math on how much revenue a typical Fala Bar brings in each year. We estimate that other franchisees in the Food & Beverage industry generate $0 revenue, so we would expect Fala Bar to generate a similar amount
How long do I need to commit to running a Fala Bar unit? What is my contractual commitment?
The standard length for an initial franchise contract is 10 years. Renewals are also generally 10 years


9 /10
The Franchisor's investment costs ranges from $177,500 to $341,000 which is Much Lower than the $619,545 to $1,693,635 average in the QSR industry
What determines the investment cost?
Item 7 of the Franchise Disclosure Document lays out the full list of initial investment costs, including the fee payable to the franchisor, security deposits, equipment, professional fees etc

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