Franchising Status
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Email Address
Phone Number

Franchimp Summary Rating

4 /10
Higher than 69% of peers

Franchise Summary

The franchise that we offer is for a VIO Med Spa business, each, referred to as a “Franchised Business” or “Spa Location Franchise,” that, either: (1) offers and sells skin care, cosmetic health and wellness med spa products and services to customers from a retail store facility under the VIO Med Spa name and marks, or; (2) offers and sells management, marketing and facility based services to medical practices and licensed professionals offering and providing skin care, cosmetic health and wellness med spa products and services under the VIO Med Spa name and marks. We offer individual unit Spa Location Franchises and area development franchises for the development of multiple Spa Location Franchises
Corporate Structure
We are an Ohio limited liability company established on January 30, 2018 and our principal business address is 13461 Pearl Road Strongsville, OH 44136. We conduct business under our corporate name VIO Franchise Group, LLC and under the VIO Med Spa trade name. Our business is operating the VIO Med Spa franchise system and granting franchises to third parties like you to develop and operate an individual unit Spa Location Franchise. Under a separate Disclosure Document, we also offer qualified individuals (“Area Representatives”) the right to operate an area representative business (the “Area Representative Business”) offering, qualifying and supporting individual unit Spa Location Franchises within a defined territory. Depending on the location of your Spa Location Franchise or designated territory, we may have an existing or future Area Representative that assists us with your Spa Location Franchise. We began offering franchises in 2018. Except as discussed above, we are not in any other business, we have not conducted business in any other line of business, and we have not offered or sold franchises in any other line of business. We do not have any predecessors. Our parent company is VIO Holdings, LLC, an Ohio limited liability company. Our registered agents for service of process are disclosed in Exhibit B of this Disclosure Document.

Earnings Transparency

7 /10
This Franchise discloses slightly more information about the financial performance of their franchisees compared to other franchises in the same industry

Why do some franchises disclose more than others?
There are many reasons why a brand may choose to not include item 19 on their FDD: they could be a newer franchise, they may be in a unique industry that is not super profitable or well-known yet

Financial Performance of "Standard" Units

Average Revenue Per Unit

Compared vs. Industry

$2,477,657 / unit

Franchise Type: Standard

Average Revenue During 2021

Industry Low
Industry High

Franchise Types Available

# Type Investment Fees

Franchise Disclosure Documents

FDD Effective Date

VIO Med Spa Franchise System Development in 2021

Historical VIO Med Spa System Growth


How much investment do I need to start my own VIO Med Spa business?
Franchisees typically require at least $209,050 to $1,240,148 investment to get their VIO Med Spa business started
What are the initial franchise fees for VIO Med Spa?
Franchisees typically need to pay at least $50,000 in fees directly to VIO Med Spa in order to earn the right to launch their business
How much money can I make with a VIO Med Spa franchise? What are the average revenues for a typical VIO Med Spa business?
We haven’t done the math on how much revenue a typical VIO Med Spa brings in each year. We estimate that other franchisees in the Professional Services industry generate $2,477,657 revenue, so we would expect VIO Med Spa to generate a similar amount
How long do I need to commit to running a VIO Med Spa unit? What is my contractual commitment?
The standard length for an initial franchise contract is 10 years. Renewals are also generally 10 years


4 /10
The Franchisor's investment costs ranges from $521,900 to $948,900 which is Much Lower than the $1,143,989 to $2,389,585 average in the industry
What determines the investment cost?
Item 7 of the Franchise Disclosure Document lays out the full list of initial investment costs, including the fee payable to the franchisor, security deposits, equipment, professional fees etc

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