Franchising Status
Email Address
Phone Number
Unit Location
Email Address
Phone Number

Franchimp Summary Rating

10 /10
Lower than 0% of peers
6 /10
Lower than 48% of peers

Franchise Summary

A Kilwins franchisee will operate a business (a "Kilwins" Chocolates and Ice Cream Store) that specializes in the sale of Kilwins approved handmade chocolates, Kilwins brand original recipe ice cream, fudge, and other confections.
Company Background
Kilwins is the country's largest family-owned, chocolate and ice cream manufacturer. The company was founded in 1932 by John Kilwin, Sr., who created a small dairy farm specializing in fresh milk products. Today, Kilwins has grown to include three retail locations with over 450 employees producing handmade chocolates and original recipe ice cream for customers across the United States. The Martin Family purchased its first location in 1991 and then opened another store nine years later under the name of "Kilwins Chocolates & Ice Cream Store". In 2003, they took over operations at their third location when it became available for purchase. This concept specializes in selling handmade chocolates, f
Franchise Opportunity
Running a small business is hard, but it's especially tough when you're not sure what you're doing wrong. It's tough to know where to start when you're just starting out in your own small business. You feel like you're working all the time and not making any progress. Kilwins can help. Our franchisees have access to exclusive training and support that will help them grow their businesses quickly and efficiently. Plus, with our wide variety of products, your customers are sure to find something they love.
Corporate Structure
Kilwins Chocolates Franchise, Inc. is a Michigan corporation that was incorporated on March 5, 1981. They maintain their principal place of business at 1050 Bay View Road, Petoskey, Michigan 49770.

Earnings Transparency

7 /10
This Franchise discloses slightly more information about the financial performance of their franchisees compared to other franchises in the same industry

Why do some franchises disclose more than others?
There are many reasons why a brand may choose to not include item 19 on their FDD: they could be a newer franchise, they may be in a unique industry that is not super profitable or well-known yet

Financial Performance of "Standard" Units

Average Revenue Per Unit

Compared vs. Retail Food Industry

$830,553 / unit

Franchise Type: Standard

Average Revenue During 2020

Industry Low
Industry High

Franchisee Attrition

10 /10
This franchise's rate of attrition in 2023 of 0.00% was Lower than the 3% in the Retail Food industry. Generally speaking, a higher rate of attrition represents a less stable franchise system and a lower rate of attrition indicates a more successful system
What's Included in franchise attrition?
We define the franchisee attrition rate as the sum of terminations, re-acquisitions by franchisor, non-renewals, and ceased operations, divided by the number of outlest at the start of the year. It is a strong indicator of the strength of the underlying operating model

Franchise Types Available

# Type Investment Fees

Employee Contact Database

# Name Position Phone Number Email Address

Franchise Disclosure Documents

FDD Effective Date

Distribution of Kilwins Chocolates & Ice Cream Store Franchisees

Kilwins Chocolates & Ice Cream Store Franchise System Development in 2021

Historical Franchisee Revenue


How much investment do I need to start my own Kilwins Chocolates & Ice Cream Store business?
Franchisees typically require at least $62,500 to $755,890 investment to get their Kilwins Chocolates & Ice Cream Store business started
What are the initial franchise fees for Kilwins Chocolates & Ice Cream Store?
Franchisees typically need to pay at least $32,500 in fees directly to Kilwins Chocolates & Ice Cream Store in order to earn the right to launch their business
How much money can I make with a Kilwins Chocolates & Ice Cream Store franchise? What are the average revenues for a typical Kilwins Chocolates & Ice Cream Store business?
We estimate that the average revenue of an individual Kilwins Chocolates & Ice Cream Store unit is approximately $830,553. We based this on Item 19 in franchise disclosure document
How long do I need to commit to running a Kilwins Chocolates & Ice Cream Store unit? What is my contractual commitment?
The standard length for an initial franchise contract is 10 years. Renewals are also generally 10 years


6 /10
The Franchisor's investment costs ranges from $62,500 to $244,405 which is Much Lower than the $433,675 to $989,553 average in the Retail Food industry
What determines the investment cost?
Item 7 of the Franchise Disclosure Document lays out the full list of initial investment costs, including the fee payable to the franchisor, security deposits, equipment, professional fees etc

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