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  • 204 email address
  • 207 phone numbers
  • 209 unit locations

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Business Description

Arthur and Kathryn Murray originlly owned the Arthur Murray System They operated the busmess in New York City from 1913 to February 25, 1946 and offered franchises from 1939 to 1946 We ongmally mcorporated in Delaware on February 26, 1946 under the name Arthur Murray, Inc Our pnncipal busmess address is 1077 Ponce de Leon Boulevard, Coral Gables, Flonda 33134 We operated the business and offered franchises as Arthur Murray, Inc from 1946 until July 15, 1964, when we merged with “James Banta-Harry Evons & Associates, Inc ” but contmued to operate under the “Arthur Murray, Inc ” name After the merger, Mr and Mrs Murray no longer were shareholders or directors or otherwise involved m management Our affiliation with James Banta-Harry Evons & Associates, Inc ended m 1967 We changed our name to Arthur Murray International, Inc on December 31, 1979 In June 1999, Arthur Murray International, Inc merged into a newly organized entity The new entity was formed as a Delaware corporation by the controllmg shareholders of Arthur Murray International, Inc to enable the company to repurchase the shares of its mmority shareholders The transaction had no material impact on the company's consolidated assets and liabilities or its operations Upon completion of the merger, the survivmg entity continued to be known as Arthur Murray International, Inc

Prior Experience

We have a subsidiary, Arthur Murray Enterprises, Inc (“AME”), that sells certain items to our franchisees AME is a New York corporation, and it shares our prmcipal busmess address AME has never offered any franchises, and it has not conducted a busmess of the type you will operate We have no parent compames

Business Offered

The franchise we offer you is to operate an Arthur Murray Dance Studio (the “Studio”), which offers dance mstruction and similar services, and you might be permitted (under additional agreements) to conduct dance competitions and similar events We offer the franchise to persons who have owned, operated, or mstructed at dance studios or have been involved m the dance studio busmess You will operate the Studio accordmg to our busmess formats.

Initial Fees

Your initial fraanchise fee depends on the population m your Market Area, if any, and whether you have been a dance instructor at an Arthur Murray Studio Prospects who have worked in our System need not pay any initial franchise fee


We do not offer direct or indirect financing We do not guarantee your note, lease or obligation. For your mformation, our firanchisees are eligible for expedited and streamlined Small Business Administration loan processmg through the SBA's Franchise Registry Program (

Franchisee Revenue and Profit

The FTC Franchise Rule permits a franchisor to provide information about the actual or potential financial performance of its franchised and/or franchisor-owned outlets, if there is a reasonable basis for the mformation, and if the information is included in the disclosure document Financial performance mformation that differs from that included in Item 19 may be given only if (1) a franchisor provides the actual records of an existing outlet you are considering buying, or (2) a franchisor supplements the information provided in this Item 19, for example, by providmg information about possible performance at a particular location or under particular circumstances