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Business Description

To simplify the language in this Disclosure Document, ‘ U S Lawns” or “we” mean U S Lawns, Inc, the franchisor “You” means the franchisee or the person or business entity that buys the franchise We conduct business under the name U S Lawns and maintain our principal place of business at 6700 Forum Drive, Suite 150, Orlando, FL 32821 We do not have any predecessors Our agents for service of process in identified in Exhibit E

Prior Experience


Business Offered

We franchise the light to operate a business (a “U S LAWNS Landscape Business”) which provides, within a territory (“Territory”), certain landscape maintenance services identified in the Franchise Agreement (collectively, “Landscape Maintenance Services”) Such services include the following specific landscape maintenance and related services (1) lawn mowing, edging, blowing, line trimming, (2) pruning, selective pruning, shearing weeding, laking, and tiee dimming of trees up to 15 feet in height, (3) fertilization, (4) lawn, shrub and tree insect and disease contiol (5) pre-emeigent and post-emergent weed control, (6) lawn and ornamental consultation, (7) irigation installation operation, U S La\Mis 2019 FDD US 120727281 05 8 inspection, consultation, repair, remedial installation and installation relating to landscape construction, (8) sales and installation of authorized landscape products and the sales and the installation of living landscape materials such as plants, trees, and flowers, (9) lawn seeding, overseeding, cerification, atachching and grading,' (10) arborist services, and (11) snow management and other snow related services authorized by us You will sign a Franchise Agreement in the form attached as Exhibit B (the “Franchise Agreement”)

Initial Fees

You pay us an initial franchise fee of $34,000 when you sign the Franchise Agreement The initial franchise fee is paid in a lump sum, but we may finance up to 70% of this fee If you are an honoiably discharged veteran your initial fianchise fee is $29,000, and we may finance 80% of this fee You must pay an initial franchise fee of $29,000 for a Conversion Franchise We may finance up to 80% of this fee You must pay an initial franchise fee of $31,000 for a Small Conversion Franchise We may finance up to 80% of this fee The initial franchise fee is fully earned upon receipt and is not refundable If you are an existing franchisee and you are approved as a purchaser of an additional franchise, you pay a lump sum initial franchise fee equal to 50®/o of the then-current initial franchise fee (meaning 50®/o of $34,000, or $17,000) when you sign the Franchise Agreement


We presently do not guarantee any notes, leases or other obligations of our franchisees Currently, we have no practice or intent of selling, assigning or discounting to a third paity any note, contract or other instrument that you execute We' and our affiliates do not receive any direct or indirect payments fiom any person for the placement of financing

Franchisee Revenue and Profit

The FTC's Franchise Rule permits a fianchisor to piovide information about the actual of potential financial peifoimance of its fianchised and/or franchisor-owned outlets, if theie is a leasonable basis foi the mfoimation, and if the infoimation is included in the disclosure document Financial performance information that differs from that included in Item 19 may be given only if (1) a franchisor provides the actual records ot an existing outlet you aie considering buying, or (2) a fianchisor supplements the information piovided in this Item 19 foi example by providing about possible performange at a particular location or under particular ciicumstances